
Hosting is a service which provides computational powers for a physical placement of information on a server which is always being connected to the Internet. Also we can talk about hosting when client’s equipment is placed on provider’s territory and it is connected to provider’s communication channels with high capacity (colocation).

Usually when we talk about hosting website files are being held on the server where PO is running. This PO is needed for processing demands which are send to these files (web server). As a rule hosting services already include the provision of space for e-mails, data bases, DNS and file storage. This space is held on an allotted file-server which has service maintenance support.

Hosting of databases, file placement, hosting of e-mails, DNS services can be provided separately like independent services or be a part of a more complex service (1).

DigiSoov company offers You two complex hosting packages. Choose a package in which You are interested in and press “Order” to make an order.

If You have questions or You wish to make an individual order please contact us by filling the feedback form.

(1) concerning materials from Wikipedia