Services / Subscription service of computers

Subscription service of computers

Subscription service of computers includes the whole range of actions which are taken to provide a reliable work of Your computer systems within your office.

Every company’s computer network is constantly in need of a qualified service. Needed services include modernization of equipment and introduction of new forms of management of informational systems. Also we do not need to forget about installation and setting of the newest versions of software.

Moreover, each company builds up a unique computer equipment park to solve their specific problems. Reasonable and logical way to serve computers must also be differentiated.
These two principles of successful work of company’s computer networks are well combined in our computer subscription services.

During the time of concluded contract You can use the services provided by our specialists who can solve any problem in minimum time. Our employees have rich experience what gives them ability to understand the features of one or the other field very quickly. This delivers you from organizing their training. Your company’s specificity will be kept in mind during the works and confidentiality is guaranteed.

Contract for a subscription computer services is concluded for a certain amount of time and includes:

  • Installation and connection of computer equipment and periphery devices
  • Diagnostic and repair works
  • Modernisation of computers and replacement of package contents
  • Organisation of reserve data copying
  • Organisation of antivirus defense
  • Installation, setting and optimisation of software and hard devices
  • Scheduled and urgent departures of specialists to prevent possible failures of computer equipment and software
  • Administration of company’s servers
  • Remote technical support and consultations concerning all questions dealing with computer exploitation
  • Selling licensed software
  • Selection, purchase and delivery of computer equipment

We offer You some tariff plans for computer subscription services:

Number of computersCost, EUR Month+turnover tax Remote services EUR+turnover taxElimination of emergency problems EUR+turnover tax
From 1 to 5 20 10 20
From 6 to 10 20 15 25
From 11 to 15 25 15 25
From 16 to 24 30 20 30
From 25 and more... 4025 40